The ability to pivot

The last few weeks have been interesting. Not just for me or my staff, but for everyone. The amount of uncertainty about what the future holds has created a great deal of anxiety and stress for my staff and school families. The amount of questions I am getting and that I don’t have the answer to has caused even more frustration for everyone. I do understand that the frustration is not directed at me, but rather the situation as a whole. The problem is that no one has a crystal ball. At this time, there is no clear understanding for what the future holds in education.

I recognize that my role at this time is not to worry about the long game but to provide as much support as possible to my teachers as they learn to pivot and quickly adjust their pedagogy for an online learning environment. Regardless of a teacher’s experience with online learning, the pressures facing us right now make everything so much more difficult and the confusion and questions from families makes it difficult to get a clear message out. A calm and clear plan from me will help my staff handle all the ‘external noise’ coming at us on a regular basis.

This is a very unexpected journey to take this year. I truly believe in my staff and I know that we will make it through this. It will have it’s challenges, but as long as we stay working as a team, we can adjust what we are doing, and make it through.

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